Christmas Greetings!
Take a deep breath, feel into your precious Heart, feel into your Sacred vessel—your magnificent Body—soften any tension or holding you might have, and bring gentleness into your being.
Softening - that has been the Team of the Year.
I wonder what it was for you?
As I reflect on the year, it had its very tough corners that had to be sanded by the roughest sandpaper of learning.
I found the resources in dance, nature, the wisdom of spiritual teachers, and my own Heart.
When I went to South India, I visited a few Ashrams and fell in love with many different teachers. One of them is Yogi Ramsuratkumar - the Divine Beggar. He taught me that every experience in our life, good, bad, or indifferent is a blessing. You say even bad experiences? Yes! This approach leaves us in a state of acceptance and Grace instead of going into the dark corridors of complaining. Not always easy to do, but conscious cultivation is key.
I danced and I met so many wonderful people coming to my classes. I am grateful for each adventurer and dancer that I had the great privilege to share a dance with. Each session had it’s flavor of energy, the bee candle, the altar, the process, the joy, and no doubt the resistance. The fascination that dance offers is endless… The potential of fertile soil and rooting into the body and uprooting old energies is vast like an open sky. The only question is then how much we can surrender to its mysterious ways.
I was very lucky not only to offer classes but to be at a receiving end myself. Irene Ward is a 5 rhythms teacher and I attended one year of an ongoing group. Accidentally, we were 13 women meeting every second month for a weekend of a Dance, where we explored the waves and received enormous healing. In my last Dance, I went so deep into my body that I was able to access the part of myself I could not name - she screamed what felt like a thousand years of suffering… when we release such a deep-rooted pain that was living inside our body - we create a space for new energy to enter. I will never forget how much grace I felt after that release, the tears of deep gratitude flowing like ancient rivers.
Now that Christmas is approaching - I think oh Jesus and his Burning Sacred Heart. I started to visualize the same Burning Heart in my Own Chest. When I witness my own thoughts that are not serving me - I offer it to the Sacred Fire within and return back to presence.
I am wishing you times filled with Presence and May your Dance Be Your Home!
Happy Holiday Season!
With Love, respect, and Gratitude.